The Merits of Getting a Spring Cleaning For Your Teeth

March 9, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_thomas @ 9:28 pm
someone cleaning their house in the spring

When you hear the phrase “spring cleaning,” you might picture dusting portraits on a warm Sunday morning, or maybe clearing out the clutter that’s built up all winter. But have you ever considered that your teeth may need a spring cleaning as well?

Regular checkups and cleanings are deeply important to your oral health, and if you haven’t had one in a while, this spring is as good a time as any to get one! Here are a few reasons why preventive care is so important.


The Connection Between Your Smile & Your Heart

February 18, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_thomas @ 5:14 am
a woman smiling and using her hands to form a heart

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. And since February is American Heart Month, there is no better time to pay special attention to one of the most important parts of your body. But did you realize that heart health is not just about watching what you eat and exercising? Your oral health can directly impact it as well. Here’s how the state of your mouth and your heart are connected.


4 Reasons to Schedule Dental Checkups Early in the Year

January 18, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_thomas @ 3:13 pm
person’s hand circling the word “dentist” on calendar

Are you aiming for a healthier smile in the new year? Many people are. While practicing good oral hygiene at home is key to keeping your pearly whites in good condition, so is visiting your dentist for biannual dental checkups and cleanings. There are some extra benefits to reap when you schedule dental checkups early in the year, so continue reading to learn about four of them.


3 Treatments to Make Small Teeth Larger

November 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_thomas @ 3:20 pm
before and after photo showing small teeth becoming larger

You’re a fully grown adult, and you have a job and the bills to prove it. Yet when you smile into the mirror, you feel like your mouth is telling a different story, like your smile hasn’t grown up. Your small teeth don’t look proportionate with the rest of you.

Did you know that size of your teeth can be altered? Your dentist offers various cosmetic treatments that can make your small teeth match your mouth and face. Here are just a few options to consider.


Need Fillings? Learn Why You Should Get Them Before the Year Ends

October 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_thomas @ 12:19 am
dentist inspecting patient’s mouth

During your last checkup, did your dentist mention that you need fillings? Unless you’re experiencing pain or discomfort, you might avoid scheduling that appointment. Maybe it’s because you don’t want to make time for a dental visit, or you simply don’t think your cavity’s a big deal. Whatever the case, you must get any fillings you need before it becomes a severe complication. Most dental insurance plans cover the bulk of the cost anyway, so you won’t be breaking the bank. If you’re not convinced, continue reading to learn from your dentist in Toledo why you should get any fillings you need before the end of the year.


Understanding the Connection Between Coffee & Your Smile

September 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_thomas @ 10:27 pm
Woman smiling and drinking coffee.

Are you a regular coffee fiend? Do you rely on that daily cup (or pot) of Joe to fuel you throughout all of your tasks and tribulations? As amazing and refreshing as coffee can be, it’s important to be mindful of the negative effect it can have on your oral health. In celebration of National Coffee Day, here are some tips from your dentist for enjoying your favorite beverage while keeping your smile healthy and bright.


3 Ways to Make Homeschooling a Success For Your Child

August 8, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_thomas @ 5:14 pm
mom homeschooling daughter

Are you choosing to educate your child at home this year? Whether this is a normal occurrence for you or not, it is always helpful to plan and prepare for what life will be like once school begins, especially if you and your child do not need to commute further than the living room. To help them on track and ensure a successful homeschooling schedule, here are three tips to keep in mind.


3 Cosmetic Dental Treatments That Are Ideal for Summer

July 1, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_thomas @ 6:10 pm
Woman smiling on beach

Summer is finally here! This time of year, the majority of us are eager that the warmer weather has arrived. Whether you are planning a weekend getaway to the beach, seeing someplace new, or just heading to your local pool, you’re in for some fun times and will make priceless memories. However, if you don’t feel confident about your smile, you may not be looking forward to all the pictures being taken. Here are some cosmetic dental treatments for you to consider in time for summer vacation.


Is Root Canal Therapy Expensive?

June 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_thomas @ 10:44 pm
Woman experiencing tooth pain and talking to her dentist.

When some people hear the words “root canal” they immediately feel a knot form in their stomach—but root canals aren’t scary at all! In fact, they are one of the best ways to salvage a damaged tooth and save it from being fully lost. On top of that, they’re relatively painless despite what most people think. That said, some people still shy away from receiving treatments like root canal therapy because of the expected cost; sometimes a high bill can be just as anxiety-inducing. Keep reading to learn more from your dentist about root canals, including what determines the cost of the treatment and why you shouldn’t wait to undergo it.


Here’s Why Summer is a Great Time to Get Dental Implants

May 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_thomas @ 4:17 pm
Beautiful woman smiling on beach

Whether you’re looking to do some travelling, learn a new hobby, or start a new project, summer is a great time to check things off of your bucket list. Why not take advantage of these longer days and improve your confidence in your smile? If you’re trying to decide the right time to get dental implants, here’s why this summer could be a great option.

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